Things to consider when buying gemstones: Rahul Jewellers

gemstone shop in Kolkata

People buy gemstones for their unique look and astrological properties. Gemstones come in different shapes, sizes, and cuts, so it can be hard to know which will be right for us. Here, we will discuss some factors that you have to take into consideration while buying gemstones from the perspective of a gemstone seller in Kolkata.

What to consider when buying gemstones?

Size of the gemstone:

The weight of gemstones is measured in carats in a gemstone shop. In addition, coloured gemstones are measured by their dimensions in millimetres with their carat weight. Buyers consider this size when buying gemstones for different kinds of jewellery such as earrings and rings. 


 A few gemstones like ruby and sapphire are suitable for regular wear in the form of rings and bracelets. On the other hand, pearls and emeralds are more delicate and are meant to be worn on special occasions. 


Colours are intrinsic in certain gemstones, such as garnets. Due to their rarity, gemstones with natural colours are more valuable in comparison to those that are treated and enhanced to create a desirable colour.


Each gemstone has different degrees of clarity, which adds to its uniqueness. Coloured gemstones have more clarity that increases their value. However, there are some exceptions. For instance, red coral is an opaque gemstone with no clarity, but it is valuable. 
We have discussed all the things that you need to consider when buying gemstones. Thus, you can check out the above factors the next time you buy from a gemstone store.

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